😉 The Hare Krishna Loophole

How a group of monks turned a free gift into millions!

How did a free flower turn a group of unknown monks into a viral organization worth hundreds of millions!?

Let's take a trip back to the '70s when the Hare Krishna monks are about to teach us a powerful marketing lesson.

And it all starts with a single flower.

For those of us who haven’t reached enlightenment yet, the Hare Krishna are a Hindu group that became MASSIVELY popular in the US during the 1970s. 

Now, what in the world do these folks have to do with marketing?

The Hare Krishna discovered a fundamental truth about human psychology that allowed them to spread their message across the country.

Most Americans had NO CLUE who they were… So, they were having difficulty raising money to support their cause. 

But then they had a genius marketing idea:

They sent their robe-waring members to places with a lot of foot traffic: airports, plazas, shopping malls...

These monk-looking dudes would approach oncoming strangers, offering them a free flower.

Most people would accept the flower… because who doesn’t like free stuff right? 

But this is where they started getting interesting.

Promptly after giving people a flower, they would ask for a donation.

"That's a lovely flower. Say, while you're enjoying that, how about making a little donation?" 

And bam!

Just like that, you're reaching into your pocket. Why?

A flower might as well have been plucked from their cosmic garden that morning. But the moment it hits your hand, you're caught in the oldest trick in the book: reciprocity

Also known as The Hare Krishna Loophole.

You see, when someone does something for you, or gives you something, you have a natural urge to return the favor.

Suddenly, you feel this urge to balance the scales, and more often than not, that means parting with a little green.

Think of a friend that helps you move. 

You'd probably say yes if they asked for a donation for their kid's baseball team after helping you load up boxes all day.

Or at least you’d feel like a jerk if you didn’t. This same principle applies to marketing and sales. 

Giving something to potential customers first creates a feeling of obligation to give something back… 

The act of receiving anything is enough to make people feel compelled to purchase from you.

Happy Marketing!

Evelio ✌(◕‿-)✌

PS: In the next email, we will uncover a powerful loophole that helped a business owner turn the most undesirable products into overnight sensations!