šŸ˜‰ The ā€œAssociation Loopholeā€ Use To Turn Strangers Into Loyal Clients.

Please use this loophole ethically...

If this ancient assassin were alive today, heā€™d probably be a multi-million-dollar marketer:

The man above, Hasan-i Sabbah, founded an elite group of warriors called the Order of Assassins.

Ok, that's not his real picture. But you get the ideaā€¦

Now, letā€™s hop back in time to the 12th-century Middle Agesā€¦

Hasan-i Sabbah was having a recruitment problem for his Order Of Assassins. 

Despite the cool name and the fact youā€™d get to put ā€œassassinā€ on your business card, Hasan could not get people to join his Order Of Assassins.

To get more trained killers, Hasan hatched a diabolical plan... 

He would find boys from the local village and bring them to his super cool assassin hideout. 

Once they were there, he would give them a ton of hashish - which was a much more potent version of marijuana.

While the recruits were tripping their face-off, he would bring exotic food, play heavenly music, and surround them with beautiful women.

When the boys woke up the following day, Hasan would tell them they had visited paradise...

And that he would take them back to this magical place if they joined his Order Of Assassins.

Manipulative? Extremely! 

But this helped Hasan build one of the largest groups of trained killers in history.

It sounds like something out of a video game, but itā€™s real.

There is even an article in the encyclopedia about him.

I assume youā€™re trying to run a business and not create an army of assassins.

But we can use his sneaky loophole to do good and build unwavering client loyalty.

Hasan was using what psychologists today call the ā€œassociation effectā€ 

By taking his followers to a ā€œfake paradiseā€, he created a powerful positive experience for them.

Was it the result of a helluva lot of drugs? Yeah. 

But it didnā€™t matter. Because the recruits associated his assassin group with heaven, they were eager to join. 

When you make potential customers associate positive feelings with something, they are more likely to consume it.

This is something clever brands and marketers do all the time.

Think Coca-Cola and happiness.

And Harley Davidson and freedom.

Redbull and adventure.

These are huge businesses because of their products and the positive qualities people associate with them. 

To use this principle, you donā€™t need to create a secret league of assassinsā€¦

Use this to make potential buyers associate your brand with something positive.

Happy marketing,